As of March 7, 2025, Philmont Guidance Center will be closing and no longer seeing clients. Please note, there will be no medication refills or appointments after March 7, 2025. We will be happy to provide a copy of your records to your new provider. You can request records by calling the office and leaving a message at 215-914-2119. Voicemail will be attended to on a daily basis by staff who will be able to assist you.
We are thankful to the community for placing its trust in Philmont Guidance Center over the years, and we wish you well in the future.
Philmont Guidance Center
Partners In The Pursuit
Of Emotional Wellness
Comprehensive Counseling & Psychiatry Services for All Ages
Philmont Guidance Center, PC, is a private mental health treatment center dedicated to helping children, adolescents, families, adults and couples achieve their highest potential. Our psychiatrists, psychologists and psychiatric social workers are well known throughout the Philadelphia area as warm, compassionate professionals who specialize in goal-directed, practical therapeutic approaches.


Counseling Services
We offer treatment for the full spectrum of emotional and behavioral disorders, including depression, anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD and more.
Join us for a stroll …


Join the Community
Huntingdon Valley
727 Welsh Road, Suite 202
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone: 215-914-2119
Fax: 215-914-1663
910 2nd Street Pike, Suite 203
Richboro, PA 18954
Phone: 215-348-9640
Fax: 215-348-7311